basicproperty.__init__ | index p:\properties\basicproperty\ |
Python 2.2 property sub-classes
This package provides a hierarchy of Python 2.2 property classes
for use in a wide range of applications.
[About Python 2.2 Properties]
The built in property type assumes that the user will define two or
three functions for every property to store, retrieve, and/or delete
the particular property. For example:
class X(object):
def seta( self, value ):
self.__dict__['an'] = int(value)
def geta( self):
return self.__dict__['an']
def dela( self ):
del self.__dict__['an']
a = property( geta,seta,dela,"A simple property a" )
In this approach, a property object is considered to be a way
of organizing "accessor methods" so that the accessor methods
will be triggered by standard python attribute access mechanisms.
This is obviously useful in many situations where particular
property values require custom code for each of their accessor
methods. Unfortunately, the approach tends to require considerable
extra code for every property so defined. Where properties
are highly customized and different from each other this is
acceptable, as the code would need to be written somewhere.
[About basicproperty Properties]
In many real world applications, however, most of the properties
defined are not radically different from other properties
within the application. Instead, the properties tend to share
most of their semantics and needs. Furthermore, there are common
patterns in property usage which tend to be shared across
The basicproperty package defines a framework for creating families
of properties for use in real world applications. These properties
provide basic implementations of most features needed for simple
data modeling applications, for instance:
bounds checking -- automatic checking of data values against
defined bounds objects, with appropriately raised errors
optional coercion -- allows you to define property classes
which can modify given data types to match the property's
required data types (particularly useful in GUI
optional method-name-based accessors -- to allow for functionality
similar to the built-in property type, while maintaining
the features of the basicproperty properties. This
functionality, however, allows for redefining client
accessor methods by simple subclassing and overriding.
optional default values -- either static or calculated for
use when a particular property is not currently defined
propertied object class -- an object sub-class explicitly
designed for use with basicproperty property objects
providing a default __init__ function to automatically
assign values to defined properties from named
The end goal of the package is to reduce the amount of code needed
to write applications which want to model complex data types using
consistent property classes. In practice, this goal seems to be met,
though the early-alpha status of the project means that there are
still considerable areas for improvement.
Data | ||
__file__ = r'p:\properties\basicproperty\__init__.pyc' __name__ = 'basicproperty.__init__' |